Workpackage leader: RISE
Other participants: CMI, SIQ, TUBITAK, KORAL, PTB
As society depends more and more on wireless technology (e.g., 5G and other over-the-air (OTA) technologies) antennas are increasingly being deployed as part of a nation’s technical infrastructure. In addition, the increased electrification of the society increases the need to measure its effects (e.g., in EMC testing). Antennas are a vital component of field strength meters, and different antennas of varying shapes and sizes are used depending on the (i) frequency range) and (ii) type of signal. For all the applications, calibrated antennas are needed.
The first aim of this work package is to develop capabilities for antenna parameter measurements and calibrations in the electromagnetic fields covering communications and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the frequency range up to 40 GHz in less experienced institutes. As the frequency ranges and/or the physical realisation of antennas vary, so do the calibration methods needed for each type of antenna. The second aim is for institutes that already have established CMCs in this area to improve and/or expand their current capabilities, in terms of the frequency range and/or improved measurement uncertainty.
Several different calibration methods will be included in order to cover the entire frequency range. As most antennas are calibrated using measurement techniques with radiated signals, the surrounding measurement chamber will affect the results. The impact of these influences on the different measurement ranges will be studied so their effect on the final result can be reduced.
Task 2.1 will develop traceable methods for antenna calibrations (antenna factor and antenna gain) in the frequency range 9 kHz – 6 GHz.
Task 2.2 will investigate (i) the advantages and disadvantages of different calibration techniques and instrumentation for antenna calibrations, and their overall effect on the uncertainty and (ii) new technology, and how this can be used to improve existing capabilities and calibration techniques for antenna calibrations.
Task 2.3 will use the results and developments from Task 2.1 and Task 2.2 (i) to validate the new capabilities for antenna calibration and to provide less experienced NMIs/DIs with evidence to support new CMCs, (ii) to produce a best practice guide on the calibration of antennas in different set ups and the calibration capability for the electric and magnetic fields in a full frequency range (i.e., 10 Hz – 40 GHz), and (iii) to prepare training material for a training and knowledge transfer session.