This project will develop a robust and sound approach for the measurement of RF & MW quantities and the evaluation of the associated measurement uncertainties, that goes beyond the achievements in the EMPIR project 15RPT01 RFMicrowave. The overall objective of the project is to improve the European measurement and research capability for RF&MW metrology and to strengthen the potential for future cooperation among European national metrology institutes, designated institutes and their stakeholders.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To develop traceable targeted RF and MW metrology capability for RF/MW power, attenuation (transmission coefficient) and return loss (reflection coefficient) (S-parameters) in the frequency range up to at least 18 GHz in institutes with less experience. The development will be tailored to the defined industrial and economic needs of participating institutes.
- To develop measurement and calibration capabilities for antenna parameter measurements, in particular the antenna factor, in the fields covering communications and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the frequency range up to at least 18 GHz in institutes with less experience.
- To develop measurement and calibration capabilities for electromagnetic field intensity measurement in the frequency range up to at least 30 MHz in institutes with less experience.
- To develop a unified approach to measurement uncertainty evaluation that will reflect the state‑of‑the‑art methods currently being developed in the framework of other European research projects. The approach will cover full uncertainty evaluation for all metrology capabilities developed from the first three objectives.
- To facilitate the take-up and long-term operation of the capabilities, technology and measurement infrastructure for RF, MW and EMC measurements developed in the project, by the measurement supply chain (NMIs/DIs, calibration and testing laboratories), and end users (e.g., industry, instrument manufacturers, regulators). The approach will be discussed within the consortium and with other EURAMET NMIs/DIs, e.g., via EURAMET TC-EM and EMN MATHMET, to ensure that a coordinated and optimised approach to the development of traceability in this field is developed for Europe as a whole.